Practical Web Design Training in Hindi (Part -4)

Hello Friends !
We have already discussed in the practical web design training course  in Part -1 ,2 and 3 || about the very basics part to essential part of website design.When we think only about the web design its not enough we have to think about its web development part also.

For the web design we use technologies..
HTML or XHTML- Are the fundamental technologies for the web development.Here HTML &           XHTML both are                               used for Structure of the web page.
CSS-This Technologies use for the style and layout of the web page.
JAVA SCRIPT- This Technologies  Use for client side web application development and allow content providers to create interactive documents through scripting.

For the web development we use TWO type of  technologies...
One for Scripting......
PHP-This technologies is a server side scripting language and free for creating a dynamic and interactive websites.
ASP-This technologies is also a  server side scripting language provided by microsoft for creating a dynamic and interactive websites.
JSP-Java server page is server side scripting language provide support for platform - independent method for building web applications.
Second one for Database......
MYSQL-MySQL is one of the best popular Open-source   RDBMS used for the web based applications.

MSSQL-Provided by Microsoft Corporation to Handle the ASP Scripting.

ORACLE-Best for java based  Web Applications.

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